Since its foundation, Francisco Vaz da Costa Marques, Filhos & C.ª S.A. (FVCM) has been constantly concerned about the well-being of all its employees. We subscribe to the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and implement its guidelines throughout our production chain, both directly in our production units and in the selection of suppliers and subcontractors.
FVCM believes that companies should support their communities by working closely with social organisations. For this reason, FVCM donates to organisations such as CERCIGUI, the Lions Club of Guimarães and the Red Cross. It is also a ‘partner company’ of the international platform – D’Avó with Love, a project that aims to boost active ageing and provide clothes for children in various developing countries. Find out more at
If you know of, or suspect, any misconduct that goes against our company values, please report it by filling in the following form: